29 July 2022
Nominate your local Dad in the Community Sports Dad of the Year award
Nominations are now open for the ninth annual Philips Community Sports Dad of the Year award, which acknowledges the contributions and positive impact that Australian dads have made to their families and community both on and off the sporting field.
From coaching the local juniors; to painting fresh lines on the pitch; to raising funds for new equipment, Australia’s dads are true unsung heroes in keeping community sport alive. Over the last few years, inspiring stories have emerged on how families have rallied together to support their local sporting teams during the most difficult of times and the Award acknowledges these efforts.
Logan Martin, BMX Olympic Gold Medallist in the Tokyo Games and 2021’s Celebrity Sports Dad of the Year, knows first-hand the support he received from his own dad growing up, and now with his own kids, aspires to do the same.
“In my younger years of playing sport, my dad was such a great support, driving me to sports training, being a judge and generally just helping out and getting involved. Every little bit helps and keeps sports alive, so it’s really cool to see dads get unexpected recognition for doing so. I can’t wait for my kids to grow up so I can get involved and help out where I can!”
Every athlete has their story of who has supported them over the years and in many cases that’s a dad who has committed their weekends to champion community sports from the sidelines or behind the scenes. This Award is an opportunity to come together and collectively say thanks ahead of Father’s Day.
Nominate your community dad
To nominate a community sports dad, nominations submit 100 words on why they should win via www.sportsdads.com.au/community. The winner will be notified prior to Father’s Day, Sunday, 4 September, with the prize pack including a Philips male grooming pack valued at over $1,000 RRP, as well as a $5,000 Rebel Sports voucher to purchase new clothing or sporting equipment for the community sports club of choice. Those who nominate the successful dad will also have the chance to win a Philips Prestige Shaver 9000 for their own dad ahead of Father’s Day.
Nominate your community dadOur recent winner was Kedron AFL Club President, Scott Peeler-Hammond
Affectionately known as Spud around the club, Scott was nominated by fellow Kedron AFC member Felicity Rogers for his tireless behind the scenes work
“Spud has been around the club for many years and has taken on numerous roles including Auskick coordinator, coaching junior teams and coordinating and coaching the senior women’s program,” Felicity said.
“He is also a committee member who has taken on the role of club president and always seems to be at the club and putting is hand up to do more.
“He has built stronger connections between the junior girls and senior women’s programs and helped to strengthen the connection between the senior men’s and women’s teams as well as organising gala days.

A humble Scott said he loves putting back into the community and cherishes the time he is able to share coaching his son Hudson and having young daughter Gretchen involved.
“I feel the more you put in, the more you get out of it,” Scott said. “These are memories we will have as a family forever.
“It is an amazing honour to win the Community Sports Dad of the Year award and I do what I do because I love coaching and I love our club so to receive this award is an incredible bonus. The fact I do it all with kids who are a part of the community just makes it all the sweeter.”
“Spud just puts his heart and soul into everything at the club and has helped foster an amazing and supportive culture.”
Do you know a local dad that should be nominated?
Nominate Now!