Partner - Rachel
Children - Aisha (2), Ayla (newborn)
Get to know Uzzie
A century at the SCG in January kicked off a remarkable run of form, which has seen Uzzie score four hundred’s in seven Tests, with a highest score of 160 and an incredible average of more than 98. Stats that have cemented Uzzie the Test openers spot after years of being shuffled around the order.
An elegant, graceful player with exquisite timing, Uzzie is a fan favourite right across Australia and in World Cricket.
But he’s also a favourite doting dad to little Aisha and newborn Ayla.
“The best thing about being a dad is the love you get from your kids,” Uzzie said. “When they come and cuddle you or give you a kiss … I’m not sure you can replicate that feeling. Also Aisha is at an age when she fetches dad things! That’s handy too!”
Uzzie is such a great Dad because he’s really hands on with the kids … whenever he is home and free he’s always helping out where he can. Whether it’s nappy changes, bath time or taking Aisha to the park to give me a little break. He is also a great Dad because he has such a fun and playful personality.

QDo you spend much time away from kids during the cricket season? How hard is that and how do you keep in contact?
AYes cricket being a very long game (sometimes five days and even more when you include prep for games) means you are away from home for extended periods of time. Much more than other sports. It can be hard being away for those periods as your children can grow up very fast, but luckily we have the ability to chat face to face on phone these days. So I make sure I do that everyday. I understand Aisha's attention span is limited so I may get a good one minute with her! So I enjoy it while it lasts. Ayla is too young so she has to listen to my jibbe jabber.
QWhat’s your favourite activity with the kids?
AAisha and I love watching Bluey together. But if we aren't doing that then it usually involves hitting the tennis ball or jumping on the trampoline! "Jump jump" as she calls it.
QAyla maybe a bit young but does Aisha take an interest in your career?
AYes. Rachel has a very funny video of Aisha eating berries and yelling out "Dadda" when she sees me playing on TV. It's not an interest in Cricket, just her dad!
QDo you like to take the kids to your work?
AHaha, only on Christmas eve when we have family day before the Boxing Day Test match. Other than that, Aisha is a big young at the moment.

QIs there a favourite place you like to take the kids?
AI reckon it's those Bounce trampoline centres. Aisha loves them. Either that or the Park for a swing! She's a sucker for a swing.
QOn competition days, do you like to relax with the family or do they understand to keep away from you?
AYeh I'm very relaxed on game days. I usually keep things the same which means playing with the girls and mucking around with them right up until the time I leave the door. I enjoy the normality.
QFavourite family holiday destination you’ve been on or would like to go to?
AWe have only been up to Sunshine Coast to see Nanna or Pop or Sri Lanka on a cricket tour. I still think there is no place like home so Sunshine Coast is my pick! But as the girls grow up I'd love to go back to the US, there’s just so much to do there.
QTell us about your wife Rachel, as the amazing mum she is?
AI think mums in general are amazing. I didn't understand it till I saw it first-hand. I even called up my mum to thank her for everything that she did for me. The hardest thing I see is being a mum never stops.
At least I have time off from cricket during games and in between games. But mum is 24/7. I think that is what makes being a mum amazingly tough, rewarding and special.
Rachel is the most organised person when it comes to motherhood. She always has food for the girls ready, and everything they may need at all times. Especially when we go out. I just worry about what I have to wear, where she is thinking 5-10 steps ahead. Thank God for mum! Tough work, dad is no good at that!
On the flip side I see the love Aisha has for mum and the cuddles she gets! I'm a bit jealous, but she deserves it, I can't compete with that bond... for now!

Now let's hear from Rachel
QWhat makes Uzzie such a great father?
AAisha absolutely loves playing around with Uzzie. They have lots of fun when they are together, she’s always got a big smile on her face!
QHow hard is it when he has to be away from home?
AIt can get quite hard when Uzzie is away from the kids. I think it’s sometimes harder for him though because he misses them a lot when he’s gone and it’s getting harder the older they are getting. I am very lucky I have a great support system with our family and friends that help me out when I need as well.
QPlease share with us something we don't know about Usman?
AUzzie has a slight fear of spiders so I am the one who has to do the spider removal in the house!