Partner - Kim
Child - Harvey (6months)
Get to know Matt
A reigning Grand Slam tennis champion after his recent victory in the Wimbledon Men’s Doubles Final, Matt has been a tennis pro for more than 15 years and has amassed more than $5 million in prizemoney.
He has represented Australia with distinction in Davis Cup and team events and his doubles world ranking has risen to No.24 after his recent Wimbledon heroics alongside fellow Aussie Max Purcell.
It was Matt’s second Grand Slam title after winning the Australian Open Mixed Doubles alongside Jarmila Gajdosova.
When he’s not playing tennis, Matt is studying a Commerce Degree and raising newborn son Harvey alongside wife Kim. Harvey is Matt’s greatest ace.
“Almost every day or week since he was born has been special in its own way,” Matt said. “I guess most parents will understand this. All the little things along the way and their growth happens so fast. A few memorable pictures and experiences with having him in Rome, Paris, around Europe and then at Wimbledon are extra special of course.
“I thought I had reasonably good perspective on things before we had him … but he’s taken it to a whole new level!”
Matt is a really caring and attentive Dad, and he takes a lot of joy in the small moments and details - an expression on Harvey's face, a new sound he makes, how he grows each week. He just loves being Harvey's dad!

QDo you find it hard spending time away from the family due to your tennis commitments and how do you keep in contact?
AIncredibly hard. It tears me apart more than anything. The first couple of times when Harvey was just 5 weeks old I had to fly to the US. To have to kiss him goodbye while he's going to sleep in his cot was one of the hardest things ever and it definitely left me very teary. Lucky Kim is so good to me and makes sure we video call everyday as much as possible, and she keeps a running daily diary of a pic or video so I can keep watch of him.
QHow big an inspiration is Harvey to your career, have you changed the way you go about your work since he was born?
AHe has changed me for sure. I find it hard to put into exact words or describe it. I love him so much. He's adorable.
QCongratulations on your Wimbledon victory - was Harvey and the family part of that special moment?
AAbsolutely. Kim was to and from the Wimbledon creche who kindly helped watch him now and then during some of the matches. My mother was also with us for a month helping Kim and Harvey so that made it all the more possible too. To be able to have Kim and Harvey there was something I'll never forget. Even late after the match and press conference he was awake for celebrations late into the night and we got some nice pics of the three of us with the Wimbledon trophy.
QOn competition day, do you usually relax with the family, do you have a set routine?
ARoutine mainly. Sometimes it's hard I have to maybe leave early and go and get organised and prepared and Kim does an amazing job looking after Harvey and maybe bringing him into the tennis later in the day to watch when I play.

QHe’s only young but does he enjoy watching you play?
AFunny enough, since the first match he watched my singles in Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, he just quietly sat on Kim's lap and stared at me on the court. He sat still and quiet for quite a long time and just seemed to really enjoy it and focus on it. Maybe it's a good sign that he likes tennis already, we will see!
QWhat’s the best thing about being a dad?
AThe whole experience. Having another little mini human beside you on the couch or in the house or to cuddle is very special and hard to believe sometimes. It's true when they say you can't really comprehend how it is until you have children yourself. It's a very surreal and innate experience. It's definitely also very challenging and I have the most incredible respect and admiration for all the mothers out there and everything that goes into having children.
QWhat is your favourite activity with Harvey?
ABecause he's only 6months old, just the very simple things. Feeding him his bottle while he sucks on it is very cute. Playing with him in the bed and making him smile and laugh is the best. Also, taking him around and showing him new things and places is very fun, you watch his eyes gaze and take it all in. He's quite a well-travelled baby already and he seems to enjoy seeing a lot and really loves people.
QTell us about your wife Kim?
AI describe her as an angel. I'm very blessed to have found her and have twp angel women in my life, the other being my mother. Kim has been there basically every step of the way since we first started dating at 19 years old! And now we have been married coming up 10 years in November! She deserves a very special anniversary this year and every year. Now as a mother she is doing such a great job in sometimes difficult circumstances with travel or if I'm away travelling.

Now let's hear from Kim
QDoes Matt enjoy being hands on?
AMatt loves being hands on! When Harvey was first born Matt did all of the nappy changes, night and day, and was there to help with absolutely everything. Matt will often take a bath with Harvey or feed him a bottle and look after him for a few hours so that I can take a break. He takes a lot of joy in playing with Harvey or having a cuddle with him.
QDo you have any funny stories about Matt and in particular him being a doting dad?
AThe first night in the hospital Matt was so worried about keeping an eye on Harvey that he set an alarm for every 20 minutes through the night to check that Harvey was still breathing! By the next night it became every hour, and by the third night Matt realised that Harvey was doing fine and he could get some sleep.
In the first week Harvey was home, Matt was changing him one evening, and got so distracted playing with him on his change mat that he forgot to put a nappy on him, and just put his clothes on. Needless to say within minutes we were both covered in all kinds of mess!