


Partner: Renae

Children: Jacob (8), Milla (8) & Jack (3)


Get to know Joe

Balancing the rigours of an NBA career with fatherhood is a challenge Joe faces every season. “It’s extremely hard being away from Renae and the kids. Our schedule is full-on, with tons of travel and games. I try to speak to them as much as I can. I’m very lucky to have such a supportive wife who takes amazing care of them and makes it easier for me to leave. It never gets easier, though,” Joe admits.

Despite the challenges, fatherhood brings Joe immense joy. “There is nothing better; it puts life into perspective. I get no better feeling than seeing them achieve something, especially now with Jacob’s diagnosis—it really makes you take a step back and enjoy every little milestone. Every day is special, and we try to enjoy every moment we have with them. We are lucky parents,” he reflects.

Joe’s children: Jacob (8), Milla (8), and Jack (3) are already showing an interest in sports, following in their dad’s footsteps. “Milla for sure has more of an interest and is constantly asking if we are going to training or games. Jacob doesn’t understand as much but has been good at coming and watching the games. It’s amazing to have them in the crowd and be able to look up there and see Renae, and the kids,” Joe says.

When Joe is home, he’s fully present with his kids, whether it’s taking them to the park, the beach, or simply enjoying downtime at home. “We probably have different things with each one, but together, for sure, a park or beach. Anything outside they absolutely love. Milla loves going out for cake, which means I get to have a coffee. Jacob loves the pool, so taking him for his swimming lessons is always really enjoyable,” Joe shares.

Renae, Joe’s wife, is the cornerstone of their family, managing the household with incredible efficiency. “Renae will laugh at this, but I wouldn’t say we have designated roles. Renae is for sure the organised one and five steps ahead of everything… she runs our household. I do try to do my part when I am around and take the load off her. I could probably still do more,” Joe admits.

Time together is precious for the Ingles family, and they make the most of it whenever Joe is home. Whether it’s helping with school and therapy drop-offs, playing outside, or planning their next family holiday, Joe’s dedication to his family is unwavering. “Joe adores the kids. Anything and everything he does is for them. The kids are happiest when he is home and with them. There isn’t anything in the world that he wouldn’t do for them, and that makes him the best Dad,” Renae says proudly.

It’s incredibly hard when he is away from home, mainly because the kids miss him so much! The one thing that makes it easier when he is away is how great he is when he is home with us.


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