


Partner: Tahan

Children: Ryu (3), Ravayah Rae (1)


Get to know David

David fondly remembers being dropped off at school in his dad’s rally car, holding onto the roll cage. This early exposure to racing led him to compete in go-karts alongside his brother James, who provided strong competition.

Fatherhood has profoundly shifted David’s focus from career to family. “Before, my life was all career-focused, pretty selfish at times,” he admits, “but now it’s all about my kids and family time.” His mission now is to provide Ryu and Ravayah with the same incredible childhood he had, filled with love and unforgettable memories.

Bringing his family to the racetrack is one of David’s greatest joys. Seeing their smiling faces at the track, knowing they’re part of his racing world, brings him immense happiness and calm. “It makes me so happy to see their beautiful faces as they come into the pits to see what their daddy does,” he shares. David also applies the lessons from motorsport to his parenting, particularly the importance of preparation, which is key in both racing and raising young children.

Every day with his kids is filled with memorable moments, like when Ryu, at just two years old, amusingly commented on the “f’ing bird” making a mess on the porch. Looking ahead, David is excited to see who his children will become and the fun they’ll have together as a family.

David’s partner, Tahan, is the glue that holds their family together. She manages to juggle everything while creating meaningful activities for their children. Known as the “fun” parent, David always makes an effort to be present, whether stopping home between work commitments or handling most of the cooking and cleaning when he’s around.

David’s meticulous nature shines through in everything he does, from racing to perfecting a dessert inspired by MasterChef. But above all, he never misses a chance to tell his children how much he loves them, a sentiment that’s at the heart of his life as a father.

David’s best qualities as a father is being really present with our children. He always wants to be home with them and spend any spare moment he can with them. You can say he is the “fun” parent. 


QNow tell us what's it like being a dad to 2 children now? How much do you enjoy it?

AI tell my parents that I had the best childhood growing up so If I can give my kids a similar experiences I'd be happy with that. In all honesty I cant explain in words how much I love them and how happy they make me. Most of the time I film them only to watch back the videos when they're asleep at night. The love that they give me completely fills my heart up to the brim like nothing I’ve had before.

QWhat are you most excited about when they all grow up?

AI’m most excited to see how much time they spend with us when we aren’t needed as much and what type of people they have become from everything as to what type of interests they have and who they choose to spend time with, what career they want to have. Im most looking forward to have much fun we can have as family together, it’s going to be great.

QWhat's your favourite part of the day with the kids?

AEvery part of the day is favourite part i don’t want to miss a second of them each day, Little Miss is super adorable in the morning after waking up cause she just walks around the house talking to herself (well, tries to talk) and Ryu some nights we go Possum hunting with torches around the neighbourhood spotting “Mossums” in the trees and then we go give Mum a report of what we found.

QIs Ryu involved in any community sports and are you involved in his activities as well?

ARyu just started Ready, Steady, GO which we are only a few weeks in. He enjoys going and has a competitive streak in him they just do warm up runs and he yells I win! We have to remind him its just the warm up. During the class he takes after me and struggles to concentrate though. Yes I do go help him as much as I can.

Thank you!

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