Football & Athletics
Cobar Junior Soccer Club and Cobar Athletics and Triathlon Squad
Get to know Greg
Greg lives in the isolated regional town of Cobar. With a population of less that 5000 and more than 700 kilometres west of Sydney, it’s known for it’s mining and a thriving little sporting community.
And a big part of the sporting community in Cobar is Greg Mckervey, the father of four is this year’s Philips Community Sports Dad of the Year.
The president of the Cobar Junior Soccer Club and Cobar Athletics and Triathlon Squad, Greg has played a huge role in mentoring Cobar’s youth since moving there 10 years ago with his partner Louise.
QCongratulations Greg, how do you feel about being crowned the 2023 Philips Community Sports Dad of the Year and when did you realise you were nominated?
AI was completely surprised by the nomination as Caitlin never mentioned that she had nominated me. It was only after Sports Dad had notified her that I had been selected that I found out from Caitlin. I’m really appreciative of the honour that this award presents, but at the same time I'm conscious of the fact that there are so many Dads (and Mums) who give their time willingly to help our children experience all the fun that comes with competitive sport.
QTell us about the sports Community in Cobar?
ACobar is a small regional town approximately 130km to the nearest town. Social outings can be much more limited than children can experience in larger towns or cities. As such sport is incredibly important in providing people with an opportunity to have fun while keeping fit and healthy. Sport also provides an avenue for children to interact with each other in a safe way.
Greg has been such a wonderful role model for all of our kids and especially for my son, Maddox. I’m sure some coaches would view Maddox as challenging. He’s stubborn, competitive and doesn’t like to lose. Greg has built a real rapport with Maddox and has taught him that “you learn more when you lose”. Greg encourages Maddox to step outside of his comfort zone and to challenge himself.
who nominated Greg

QBeing president of the Cobar Junior Soccer Club and also the Cobar Athletics and Triathlon Squad must take up a lot of your time. But specifically what do you enjoy doing?
AWith the junior Soccer Club I primarily deal with the Mids Age group (7 to 12). My role includes training every Monday. This is my favourite part of the role as I get to teach kids the finer points of the game. In proper games the younger kids may not get the opportunity to be fully involved so training is important in helping the younger ages get experience. Every Saturday I referee/coach a game. It's pretty full on as we take on both roles during games.
In the CATS President role I help organise the monthly events with the others involved. We are trying to grow the competition each year by attracting new competitors from Cobar to Bourke and beyond. During this off season we have fund raised to allow the purchase of four new "club bikes" to attract new members from the junior to adult age group.
QWhat motivates you to do what you do for the local sports community?
AI fell into both positions from wanting to help out running the sports. Personally I find it hard to watch others spend time teaching kids to play sports, or run events without giving a hand. In 2021 my knee and I had a permanent disagreement about my soccer activities. After that I transitioned from an active part to more of a teaching role and it grew from there until I took on both roles.

Thank you to Philips Australia for this award. It is totally unexpected and I'm completely honest when I say that I don't help out these clubs expecting anything back. I enjoy coaching and seeing these two clubs thrive is all that I ask for.

QWhat club/s will you be donating the $5000 Rebel Sports Voucher to? What do you think the money will be spent on?
AI will be looking to donate $3000 to the Cobar Athletics and Triathlon Squad. I hope this money will be used by the club to encourage more people to take part. I will need to discuss with our committee but I would like to see us using it for prizes for our competitors during this season and for the future.
I would also like $2000 to be donated to Cobar Junior Soccer. I would like to see the Club use the proceeds of this award to purchase new jerseys for our Seniors teams (13+). Something new that would look great on our kids as they play each week.
QWhat are you going to be doing on Father's Day and what would you like as a gift?
AI will be spending the morning at home with Louise and the kids. I hope to see a pancake breakfast!
QAny finals words?
AI would like to emphasise the other people who help out with Cobar Junior Soccer and CATS. WIth Cobar Junior Soccer Paul and Sarah Theakston are priceless and we would not have a functioning club without all their hard work. With CATS i would like to thank Abby Fairfull, Khan Fugar and Trudy Rogers who all provide great ideas and energy.